Today I took my storyboards for the disco ball idea down to the AV suite so I could start having a go on Cinema 4D. I have learnt an awful lot today, had some stresses but it's been really exciting and rewarding, especially if you compare my older motion work!!
Creating my sphere - using one of the primitive objects - this then needs to be turned into a polygon object like below, this means the sphere is made up of many polygons, this will give it that mirror feel. I can then apply a suitable material to each polygon to create the mirror- like visual.
Adding the vertical support for the disco ball, using a cylinder primitive, that just sits in the top of the disco ball.
From another angle:
Adding a floor and light to give a more realistic, look:
A rendered view of how it will look, obviously more work needs to be done with the lighting!
Experimenting with the light:
Looking better (rendered view):
I added in a light underneath to try eradicate the shadow, this does not work:
Lighting from another angle (rendered view) this looks better:
Moving the light out of the view:
Adding a coloured omni light to the rendered image:
Together with a white light (rendered view) - it looks quite good now!
Positioning more lights for a brighter image:
Showing the 4 different views (3 rendered) :
Showing 4 different rendered views:
Showing 4 different camera views - the first image is from inside the ball!
My first animated disco ball - pretty pleased with this for an initial composition:
From another camera view (TOP):